Love Letter to My Rabb

Dear Allah My Love, This is my first letter to you. I was inspired by Ayesha Syahira. So much love for this girl Oh Allah. Thank you for letting me ‘terjumpa’ her Book (Talk to Allah)🤭 Oh Rabb, I seldom say this to you. And I know I shouldn’t forget to thank you for all…

Kemanisan Iman?

Salams and Hi. I just wanna share about my feelings right now. I feel something is missing, I miss that “something”.. Wanna know what it is.. Kemanisan Iman… Kemanisan Khusyuk dlm solat.. 😢😢😢 Kadang2 jeles tgk org byk kwan2 muslimah yg bole guide drg sama2.. I don’t wanna be in any organisation or apa2 lah…

Apa Erti Ujian??

Assalamualaikum Hi, I’m back again.. waahhh..semangat nampak.. dalam 1 hari ni, dua kali post ahh.. well done girl.. haha..apa2 jer lahh… Okay, ni sebenarnya I wanna share psl something that ran across my mind tadi petang. Suddenly teringat pulak time dulu2. I used to thing that ,…well sebab I know that kalau Allah sayang at…


“Islam initiated as something strange, and it would revert to its old position of being strange, so good tidings for the strangers” When our prophet started spreading Islam back in the 1400, the people of Mecca couldn’t accept this new religion, people find it strange. So people started to attack the Muslims, full of hatred…

Healthy lifestyle

Assalamualaikum.. Today is Monday, fifth of November 2018. Hmm.. Well.. I want to share a lil sum’in sum’in.. I’ve been from keto diet to calories counting diet, portion controls and now im just eating healthy. Today is my Day 1. Haha.. Our menu for today is.. Ayam penyet for lunch, nyumss… I just cooked my…

My 1st workout in more or less a year of BREAK…

Assalamualaikum.. Hey Guys, It has been a while since I didn’t update my stories here.. (well.. That’s typical me🙄) So Anyway I just wanna share with you guys that I just did my home video workout just now. It’s been more or less a year im resting my body from working out, But Alhamdulillah I…

Hang baca doq Doa tengok cermin?

Assalamualaikum everibadehh…. U guys baca tak doa tgk cermin? As for me.. Klau ingat baru baca, haha.. Inda selalu lah.. Tpi kdg2 klau inda liat mirror pun, suddenly ja terasa diri mcm lawa, kiut, miut,klau dtg perasaan “perasan lawa” aturr.. Apa lagi yo.. Baca tah doa aturr.. Simple jer, melayu nya pun ok, inda pyah…


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu~ Hey, It’ Ramadhan now.. The month that we’ve all been waiting for right….. So..How’s your Ramadhan duin?? Was it gewdd?? for me.. Alhamdulillah…inspirasi dari SIL gue yg berada di Oman.. She was sharing with us on how she decorate her house there. It was MasyaAllah beautiful.. Well.. living there makes it more…


Cantik tak ?? Love at 1st sight. I got this photo from this food apps that i’ve download the other day. It’s so pretty. 😍 I sent to my hubby this photo and he thinks I made it. Lol… I wish😂 he even suggested me to sell this.. Hehe.. Cinta ku.. Cinta ku.. Ok, baiklah……